Hi, I'm Morgan.

After nearly a decade working in healthcare, I embraced a transformative journey in my career and soul. My exploration of herbalism and natural skincare sprouted from the soil of my own garden. My days are devoted to exploring herbalism and understanding the intricate connection between herbs and the human body, working part-time at a local mushroom farm, and creating high quality skincare products for my customers. As a wife, mother, and artist, I find joy in crafting wholesome skincare that mirrors the balance I've found in life. Join me on this holistic adventure where nature, art, and well-being converge.

About Our Ingredients

At Earth To Body, we prioritize quality through purposeful ingredient choices. Our selection is carefully curated, emphasizing a connection to nature, with some ingredients even grown in our home garden. For our body products, we exclusively use essential oils and certified natural fragrances, ensuring a delightful and synthetic-free experience. In water-based formulas, where preservatives are necessary for safety, we opt for minimal, reliable options. Join us on a skincare journey that values simplicity, authenticity, and the undeniable benefits of nature's touch.